December 11, 2020
Nell Holiday Gift Guides - For the Girl Who Has Everything
You're about ready to pull your hair out trying to find the perfect gift for the girl on your shopping list who already has everything. We hear you! But before you bust out the scissors and glue to make her something you can be SURE she doesn't have, Nell wants to offer a helping hand with this very special Holiday Gift Guide! And maybe we can avoid the sticky mess and the embarrassment...

This playful naughty & nice, beaded clutch will make an excellent addition to her vast collection of treasured items!

Other gifts come and go, but these incredibly special heart earrings are sure to stay with her for the rest of her life.

We can't see a single reason why she won't absolutely NEED a new pair of Mou Boots or Mou Sneakers in the new year!

These fur wrist cuffs take any look from walking across the street to walking down fifth avenue in a snap!

Keep her warm by getting her these sophisticated Volare fur Neck Warmers we can only hope she doesn't already have in every color...

This navy pearl pom hat will go so well with all her fun coats and gloves! You can never have too many hats right?

Everyone needs one of these stunning silk masks that go with every outfit this holiday season because if we're going to wear masks, they might as well be stylish right?